O lege draconica, vaga si ce putem face pentru a o opri inainte de a fi prea tarziu – The Expose
Marți, Bernie Spofforth a lansat un videoclip care expune implicațiile catastrofale ale proiectului de lege privind climă și natură („CAN”).
Acest proiect de lege ar putea devasta economia Marii Britanii, distruge comunitățile rurale și pune în pericol securitatea energetică – toate în același timp erodând drepturile și libertățile noastre.
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Următoarele sunt câteva momente importante din videoclipul lui Spofforth.
Sponsorii proiectului de lege privind climă și natură
The Proiectul de lege pentru climă și natură este în mare măsură ignorată de mass-media, în ciuda faptului că este cel mai important proiect de lege dintr-un deceniu și impactul său potențial asupra libertății și a suprareglementării guvernului.
„Proiectul de lege se aliniază îndeaproape cu alte inițiative internaționale, cum ar fi Legea UE pentru restaurarea naturii iar cel Agenda ONU 2030”, a spus Soffoth.
Pe măsură ce se apropie de a doua lectură în Camera Comunelor, proiectul de lege are sprijinul a 182 de membri ai Parlamentului („deputați”).
Notă din The Exposé: De-a lungul timpului, Bill a făcut-o și-a schimbat numele și a avut diverși sponsori. Fost deputat al Verzilor Caroline Lucas a prezentat inițial proiectul de lege la Camera Comunelor din Regatul Unit în septembrie 2020 și a continuat să susțină proiectul de lege și l-a co-sponsorizat de mai multe ori. Când Lucas a prezentat-o, proiectul de lege a fost intitulat „Legea privind climă și ecologie”. Deputatul laburist Olivia Blake a reintrodus proiectul de lege în mai 2023.
deputat muncitoresc Alex Sobel a reintrodus grupul de campanie Zero Hour’s Bill sub noul titlu „Clima și natură Bill‘ în mai 2024 și a fost co-sponsor al proiectului de lege. Deputat liberal-democrat Roz Savage, actualul sponsor a proiectului de lege privind climă și natură, l-a reintrodus la 16 octombrie 2024. În raportul ei, Spofforth s-a concentrat pe sponsorul anterior al proiectului de lege, Alex Sobel.
Deputatul liberal-democrat Wera Hobhouse a fost implicat în proiectul de lege din aprilie 2023. Iar deputatul liberal-democrat Ed Davey, parlamentarul laburist Clive Lewis și deputatul Alianței Stephen Farry, de exemplu, au sponsorizat proiectul de lege de mai multe ori. Puteți vedea o listă completă a parlamentarilor care susțin proiectul de lege CAN AICI și vizualizați o hartă interactivă a parlamentarilor care susțin proiectul de lege AICI.
Proiectul de lege, reintrodus în mai 2024 și sponsorizat de deputatul laburist Alex Sobel, susține că salvează planeta, dar în schimb distruge libertatea individuală și deschide ușa unei depășiri masive a guvernului, a spus Spofforth.
Alex Sobel are un angajament ideologic puternic față de problemele de mediu, dar nu are experiență în afaceri sau economică în sectorul privat, ceea ce face din viziunea sa un vis socialist de control și cucerire.
Regatul Unit are deja legi puternice privind clima, inclusiv Legea privind schimbările climatice din 2008 și Legea mediului din 2021, care paralizează deja unii fermieri și probabil vor falimenta țara până în 2050, a avertizat Spofforth.
Un cadru vag și periculos
Proiectul de lege pentru climă și natură nu are claritate și detaliu, fără date, echilibru economic sau analiză economică, ceea ce îl face un cadru general vag care poate fi ușor utilizat greșit și interpretat în nenumărate moduri.
Folosirea unui limbaj larg permite acestui guvern sau guvernelor viitoare să facă aproape orice doresc și să-l justifice în numele salvării planetei, ceea ce este o mare îngrijorare.
Interzicerea combustibililor fosili și consecințele acesteia
Clauza 2[d) of the bill proposes banning fossil fuels, including exploration, extraction, export and import, which could lead to bans or heavy taxes on petrol, diesel and heating fuel, making them unaffordable for millions.
2 Duty of the Secretary of State: climate and nature strategy
(3) The strategy must include measures that, subject to sections 3 and 4, will 15 achieve the objectives specified in section 1 by—
(d) ensuring the end of the exploration, extraction, export and import of fossil fuels by the United Kingdom as rapidly as possible.
Climate and Nature Bill (As Introduced), Zero Hour
“You will be forced into heat pumps because you won’t be able to get the fuel for your boiler. And it will create wider and wider gaps between those who have and
those who just have not,” Spofforth warned.
Additionally, the Bill will lead to a ban on importing fuel, making it difficult for people to maintain their petrol or diesel cars, and forcing them to switch to electric vehicles, especially in rural areas where transport is already sparse.
Unrealistic Emission Targets and Personal Carbon Allowances
The bill aims to reduce emissions from UK activities and imports to meet the 1.5 degree Celsius global warming target, which was part of the Paris agreement that became law through Royal Ascent, not through a parliamentary vote.
The Bill’s premise to control economic and social activities within the UK is a “global carbon budget.” Among other controlling measures that the Bill empowers a selected, appointed few to use, the Bill aims to limit the United Kingdom’s “total emissions of carbon dioxide to no more than its proportionate share of the remaining global carbon budget.” In the Bill, the “remaining global carbon budget” means “400 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide.” (Where has that figure come from? Is it made up, pulled out of thin air? Has anyone sponsoring and supporting the CAN Bill even bothered to check where that figure comes from? Or, are they simply making decisions based on campaign mantras and ideologies?)
To achieve this target, personal carbon allowances may be introduced, which would track people’s energy use, travel and food choices through digital IDs and smart meters, and penalise those who exceed their quota.
The wealthy, including those in the public sector, may be able to afford to live without these restrictions, while ordinary people would face penalties and restrictions.
Ecosystem Restoration and Land Grabs
The bill also aims to restore ecosystems and prioritise conservation, which could lead to compulsory land purchasing for rewilding projects, solar farms and other initiatives, potentially forcing farmers and rural residents to lose their homes and livelihoods.
This could lead to rural areas becoming emptier and more food insecure, forcing families into overcrowded urban centres, which aligns with the international vision of C40 Cities and Agenda 2030.
Offsetting Impact and Widening Inequality
The bill’s offsetting impact provision could allow the wealthy to buy their way out of restrictions through carbon offsets, while the rest of the population would have to ration energy and potentially sell their excess carbon quota to richer people.
This could also lead to taxes on everyday consumer items, widening the gap between the wealthy and ordinary people.
2 Duty of the Secretary of State: climate and nature strategy
(3) The strategy must include measures that, subject to sections 3 and 4, will achieve the objectives specified in section 1 by—
(h) taking every possible step to avoid, where avoidance is not possible, limit, and where limiting is not possible, restore, or otherwise offset, the adverse impacts in the United Kingdom and overseas on ecosystems and human health.
Climate and Nature Bill (As Introduced), Zero Hour
Carbon offsetting “means that the wealthy buy their way out of restrictions through carbon offsets so while the rest of us are rationing energy we would perhaps sell our excess carbon quota to a richer person so that we could buy food, and they could of course still go on holiday,” Spofforth explained.
Adding, “Everyday items could become a luxury now. This is not a theoretical situation. This is something that actually is happening in practice and some of these duties and taxes will become law in 2026. The EU already have them in place.”
Unelected Assembly and Lack of Accountability
The bill proposes the establishment of an unelected assembly, a Climate and Nature Assembly, to advise on strategies to meet its goals, which could lead to policies like carbon quotas and travel bans being pushed through without public scrutiny or accountability.
This unelected committee would have significant influence over the country’s future, justifying their recommendations as expert advice, and would further disempower communities and citizens.
The section is titled “public involvement” but that’s not what they mean. If you are hoodwinked into thinking they are referring to involving us the public – we who will suffer the consequences of their nefarious plans – just think about how much scrutiny of and input into the CAN Bill the public has, up to this point, been encouraged or even permitted. None. A handful of ideologues are devising these plans and railroading them through Parliament hoping we won’t notice what they’re doing before it is too late.
The Real Purpose: Control and Restriction
The Bill’s real purpose is not to tackle climate and biodiversity challenges, but to provide a framework for massive control, allowing the government to justify sweeping restrictions on personal freedoms and economic choices.
The Bill does not empower communities but rather disempowers them, and its vague promises of ecosystem restoration and emission cuts mask the realities of displacement, surveillance and increased restrictions.
If passed, the bill could strip away freedoms under the guise of saving the planet, prioritising ideology over practicality and democracy. It is up to citizens to stay involved and protect their freedoms, which are fragile and could be lost if the bill is passed,
The second reading of the Bill in the House of Commons is scheduled for 24 January. Contact your MP and let them know why, as your representative, they should not vote in favour of this draconian Bill.