Care este scopul real al așa-zișilor activiști pro-palestinieni? – Expunerea
Dictatura islamistă a Iranului oferă sprijin financiar protestelor pro-palestiniene din mai multe țări occidentale, inclusiv Statele Unite și Suedia, potrivit serviciului american de informații.
Aceste demonstrații, care au fost declanșate după masacrul de la Hamas din octombrie, sunt caracterizate de apeluri la violență și presupus antisemitism.
Iranul nu este singurul susținător al acestor proteste. Investigațiile au scos la iveală asta Protestele pro-palestiniene de la universitățile americane sunt, de asemenea, finanțate de marii donatori ai președintelui american Joe Biden. Printre aceștia se numără nume cunoscute precum Soros, Rockefeller și Pritzker.
În Marea Britanie, sprijinul pentru activiștii pro-palestinieni vine din surse similare. Deci, care este scopul real al acestor activiști? Evenimentele recente din Marea Britanie pot oferi câteva indicii.
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La sfârșitul lunii mai, guvernul iranian și-a exprimat aprobare a protestelor pro-palestiniene şi anti-israeliene din Occident. Marele Ayatollah Khamenei a declarat că protestatarii sunt „pe partea dreaptă a istoriei”.
Dar se pare că este mai mult. Recent, Avril Haines, directorul Agenției Naționale de Informații a Statelor Unite, a avertizat că guvernul iranian a încurajat și finanțat în secret aceste proteste. În Europa, migranții din Orientul Mijlociu vor fi în principal cei care participă la proteste.
Haines a remarcat că mulți studenți ar putea să nu fie conștienți de implicarea iranianului. „Am văzut actori legați de guvernul Iranului dându-se drept activiști online, încercând să incite la proteste și chiar oferind sprijin financiar protestatarilor”, a spus ea într-un afirmație marți.
Serviciile de informații americane se tem că regimul iranian încearcă să deturneze protestele pentru propriul câștig. „Libertatea de a exprima opinii diferite, atunci când este făcută în mod pașnic, este esențială pentru democrația noastră, dar este, de asemenea, important să avertizăm împotriva actorilor străini care doresc să exploateze dezbaterea noastră pentru propriile lor scopuri.”
Regimul iranian nu este singurul susținător. Cercetare recentă de Politic arată că protestele pro-palestiniene de la universitățile americane sunt, de asemenea, finanțate de marii donatori ai președintelui american Joe Biden. Printre aceștia se numără nume cunoscute precum Soros, Rockefeller și Pritzker.
Cele de mai sus sunt republicate din NieuwRechtsși tradus în engleză folosind un traducător online.
Susținătorii activismului pro-palestinian din Marea Britanie sunt similari cu cei din SUA. Am raportat anterior despre grupurile nefaste din spatele protestelor pro-palestiniene din Marea Britanie și SUA:
După 9 luni de campanie, activiști „pro-palestinieni”, „pro-Gaza” sau „pro-Hamas” a câștigat patru locuri în Parlamentul Marii Britanii. Mulți dintre candidații independenți care au candidat la recentele alegeri generale din Marea Britanie pe o platformă „pro-Palestina” au fost susținuți de „Votul musulman‘ („TMV”), o organizație formată în decembrie 2023 care a câștigat atenția în Marea Britanie și Australia.
Ca jurnalist a scris David Rose: „[TVM} an influential campaign group trying to drive Muslims away from Labour and towards more radical, anti-Israel candidates was founded by Islamists who backed violent Palestinian “resistance” two days after the 7 October massacres … Key figures behind The Muslim Vote (TMV), an alliance of 24 activist groups which promotes and endorses selected parliamentary candidates across the UK, signed a pledge on 9 October saying they ‘reaffirm the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to resist Israeli military occupation, including the right to armed struggle’.”
There are no details on its website as to who funds TMV. However, according to The Telegraph, two groups supporting TVM are set to be investigated over extremism fears: the Muslim Association of Britain (“MAB”), an affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas; and, the Muslim Engagement and Development (“Mend”), a group The Labour Party reportedly cut ties with in April.
If we add Jeremy Corbyn to the list of pro-Palestinian activists now in parliament – Corbyn was re-elected as the Member of Parliament (“MP”) for Islington North and is a patron of the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign known for its racist activism and campaign to radicalise others – that makes five MPs in the UK House of Commons who are prioritising Palestinian causes over UK citizens.
If you are not convinced that Corby is an MP for Palestine, then perhaps a post made on election day on his Facebook profile will convince you. “Today, Palestine is on the ballot paper,” he said.
And Corbyn supporters greeted the news of his election victory with cries of “free Palestine.” Free Palestine from what we might ask? The terrorist organisation that is known as Hamas? The evil organisation that is known as the United Nations and is the de facto government in Gaza? It’s doubtful this is their intent; activists seldom base their narratives on reality.
On Sunday it was reported that pro-Palestinian protesters surrounded the car convoy carrying the Prime Minister during his trip to Edinburgh. On the same day, it was reported that Just Stop Oil and pro-Palestine protesters were plotting to cause mayhem for Keir Starmer and King Charles at the State Opening of Parliament.
Is there a connection between pro-Palestinian activism and Just Stop Oil activism? Yes, there is in the form of Labour’s largest donor, Dale Vince.
As reported by The Telegraph, Vince, the millionaire eco tycoon, was a Just Stop Oil donor before he switched his allegiances to the Labour Party last year. He donated £5m to Labour in the run-up to the general election and he is a fervent Hamas supporter who is using his support for the terrorist organisation Hamas to censor voices that do not agree with his ideology or, perhaps more accurately, his agenda.
Last year when Vince aired his distorted views about Hamas he was met with backlash. Rather than backtrack, Vince has stood by his remarks and launched a wave of libel lawsuits against his detractors.
He has already successfully sued GB News and the Daily Mail for libel over their reporting as both outlets agreed to pay “substantial” damages and cover Vince’s legal costs. In addition, Vince has started proceedings against Reform chairman Richard Tice and Tory peer Shaun Bailey, while legal threats against a trio of current and former Conservative MPs triggered swift apologies. It’s worth pointing out the obvious: Vince is only engaging in lawfare against right-wing media and politicians – in other words, his political opponents.
Now the tycoon is stepping up his campaign as he seeks a court order that effectively blocks access to the right-wing political blog, Guido Fawkes.
In a blog post last week, Paul Staines, the editor of Guido Fawkes, said: “We have no intention of apologising for reporting and commenting on his disgraceful equivocation. We’re going to make a stand and defend free speech and our reporting of the words.”
Staines also said he has given Vince the opportunity to “put on the record unambiguously that he does not think Hamas are freedom fighters,” but that he declined to do so.
Alongside the libel claim is a second legal threat that has raised eyebrows in the legal community and sparked a furious response from the political blogger. Vince has said he is seeking a website blocking order that would require British internet service providers to restrict access to Guido Fawkes. These orders are most commonly used by media companies as a means of combatting infringements of their intellectual property rights.
No application has been filed yet and it is understood that a blocking order would only be deployed if Staines refuses to voluntarily take down material from his blog or comply with any injunction forcing him to do so.
Nevertheless, the threat has sparked accusations of communist-style censorship.
“This case has obvious implications for freedom of speech and in my view, Dale Vince is attempting a SLAPP – a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation to intimidate critics – like some Russian oligarch using his wealth and power to bully opposition politicians and other political critics,” Staines told The Telegraph.
“He has used his wealth to intimidate people scared of the legal costs, he menaces people like Shaun Bailey with ruinous costs. Even media organisations settle rather than risk lengthy costly legal battles with a thin-skinned rich narcissist.”
The Telegraph article is behind a paywall so for those who are unable to access it, we have attached a PDF copy below.
Pro-Palestinian activism has resulted in five MPs for Palestine sitting in the UK House of Commons and a serious attempt at communist-style censorship using lawfare. Do you still believe the “pro-Palestinian” activism we have seen in the UK since 7 October 2023 has anything to do with Gaza, Palestine or Israel?